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Understanding TextWords

July 3, 2024

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Understanding TextWords

TextWords are words or phrases assigned to a merchant's phone number, triggering specific events. When a user texts the prefilled Textword generated on their phone, this will trigger them to be opted into your customer list and gives you, the merchant, the ability to enroll them in future & current campaigns.

Select a Keyword

Choose a keyword relevant to the brand or campaign. Check its availability and tie it to the merchant's toll-free number.


Utilize advanced automation features like issuing credits or coupons, capturing additional information through data fields, setting up drip campaigns, and initiating welcome messages & dynamic Text-to-Buy Campaigns.


Implement segmentation using tags associated with specific keywords. This allows targeting subscribers with tailored messages or offers based on their interests or actions.

Creating Subgroups

Use keywords to invite subscribers to join specific subgroups within the program, such as espresso offers. Provide instructions for subscribers to opt into these subgroups through text.


Tag subscribers who opt into subgroups for segmentation purposes. This enables targeted messaging for subgroup-specific offers or content.


Recognize the dual purpose of Textwords for lead capture and enhancing interactivity within the program. Textwords can facilitate segmentation and enhance subscriber engagement.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

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