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Product Catalogs

AudienceTap offers seamless integration with Shopify, allowing merchants to manage and promote their products effectively. Once Shopify is integrated with AudienceTap, Shopify becomes the primary source of truth for product information. This integration enables merchants to leverage their Shopify product listings for QuickCarts and Text-to-Buy campaigns within AudienceTap.

Integrating Shopify with AudienceTap

  1. Integration Setup:
    • Connect your Shopify store to AudienceTap through the Account Settings > Integration section.
    • Once connected, AudienceTap will sync with Shopify, importing all product information.
  2. Product Management:
    • All products listed in your Shopify store, whether drafted or published, are accessible within AudienceTap.
    • AudienceTap recognizes Shopify as the primary source for product data, ensuring consistency and accuracy.

Creating Products in AudienceTap

For merchants without a Shopify account, AudienceTap provides a straightforward way to create and manage products directly within the platform.

  • Creating a New Product:
    • Navigate to Commerce > Products in AudienceTap.
  • Customizing Product Details:
    • Set Custom Prices: Define specific pricing for each product variant if necessary.
    • Manage Inventory: Keep track of stock levels and update inventory as needed.
    • Post-Purchase Actions: Configure actions such as tagging customers or setting up subscription services post-purchase.
  • Shipping and Tax Rules:
    • Apply various shipping rules based on product types and customer locations.
    • Set tax rules to ensure compliance with regional tax regulations.

Promoting Products with AudienceTap

Once your products are set up in AudienceTap, either through Shopify integration or direct creation, you can use them in various promotional campaigns.

Text-to-Buy Campaigns

Text to Buy Campaigns are a marketing strategy used within the AudienceTap platform that leverages SMS to facilitate quick and convenient purchasing directly through text messages skipping lengthy checkout pages. 

How Text to Buy Campaigns Work:

  • Promotion: Brands promote their products via text messages sent to their existing text list.
  • Engagement: Customers receive a text message with a product offer, including a short description and price.
  • Purchase: Interested customers can reply with a keyword (e.g., "yes") or a quantity (e.g., 3) to initiate the purchase process.
  • Payment: The system processes the payment through pre-stored payment methods or prompts the customer to go to a secure page to input their payment information.
  • Confirmation: The customer receives a confirmation message once the purchase is complete, along with details on delivery or further steps.

Key Features:

  • Ease of Use: Simplifies the buying process, making it as easy as sending a text message.
  • Instant Gratification: Immediate response and purchase capability enhance customer satisfaction.
  • Wide Reach: Leverages SMS, which has high open and response rates compared to other communication channels.
  • Personalization: Messages can be tailored based on customer data and preferences, increasing relevance and engagement.

Benefits for Businesses:

  • Increased Sales: The convenience of text-to-buy can lead to higher conversion rates.
  • Customer Engagement: Direct and personal interaction with customers strengthens brand loyalty.
  • Data Collection: Gathers valuable customer data and purchase behavior insights.
  • Cost-Effective: Lower cost compared to other marketing channels with higher ROI.


Quick Carts are a streamlined e-commerce solution designed to directly sell products without needing a full e-commerce site.

How Quick Carts Work

  • Overview: Quick Carts are mini e-commerce stores or shoppable landing pages where only the products added to Quick Carts or text-to-buy campaigns are shoppable.
  • Usage: They serve as a complete product catalog and shopping experience and are useful for manual campaigns, automations, and QR codes at live events.
  • Examples and Customization: Quick Carts can be themed for special occasions (e.g., holidays) and include content blocks (text, images, videos) and product blocks. Products can be digital or physical with various customization options (e.g., pricing, descriptions, inventory levels).

Key Features

  • Dedicated URLs: Useful for email marketing.
  • Streamlined Shopping Experience: All products are available on a single page.
  • Advanced Options: Include pre-access forms for capturing customer information and creating unique magic links for secure, one-time access.
  • Customization: Merchants bring their own content (images, videos) and have flexibility in setting up different shipping rules and expiration dates for offers.


  • Easy Setup and Customization: Quick Carts are simple to set up and tailor to individual needs.
  • Mobile-Friendly Design: Ensures a smooth shopping experience on mobile devices.
  • Product Bundles: Support for selling product bundles or individual items.

This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.
This is some text inside of a div block.

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